Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | crt screen | earth | monitor | plant | poster | reckoner | sky | stairs | window OCR: Aristotle System Requirements Note: 3.5 i-inch disk drive is file initially requirce to load the Aristotle neeled after that. software uolhe AppleShare: To use the Imenu manageiient An. Apple IIcs cmputet An enhanced . Apple Ie program of Aristotle. you will with a monitor : and an Apple computer with an AppleMouse" rieed orte of the following HIGS MemoTy Exjxansion Card lle Apple 11 Workstation systems: that has one megabyte of PE} and an Apple Te Memory memory: and a LocalTalk" Expansion Card (256K mini- Locking Connector Kit Inun): and LocalTalk Locking Connector .... To use the menu clisplay An enhancexl Apple: : lle wjh Apple S with a lotal of of Aristotle, you will need 128K memory: UT Apple Ife 76HK menory (256K on the the of the. following svatems monitor: an Applc I Worksta mother ...